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2003 Season











2003 - "Season of Suprises"

Week One  Week Two  Week Three  Week Four  Week Five  Week Six  Week Seven  Week Eight  Week Nine  Week Ten  Final Week  irish circle photos  Playoffs

Miracle On Sand!!
Just Healy's Stun Evil Empire!


RBVL Awards Dinner Held at the Beach Club


The Rockaway Beach Volleyball League concluded the 2003 season with their annual Awards Dinner on Friday 9/12 at the Beach Club, setting a new attendance record with players eager to party the night away.  A rocking good time was had by all, aided by the music of T’abazco Road, a local band whose members have been seen on the volleyball courts more than once.  Good food and cold beer is the usual formula for a fun time with this group and once again it proved successful.  Thanks to Theresa and her staff who helped make the night so pleasant.  Thanks to Rocky. Denise and Bugsy who spent many hours working on the details of the extravaganza.  Thanks to all of those captains who organized their teammates and collected deposits. Your work is invaluable.  And how about the work done by Linda Humphries on the creative team logos that marked each table.  Spectacular!



Championship sweatshirts were presented to the division winners and will be worn proudly by:

Ocean Division – Just Healy’s

Wave Division – The Rugby Clubhouse

Beach Division – The Mahooshkas

Boardwalk Division – The Beach Orphans


During the presentation, the league finally found out what a Mahooshka is.  Definition – a large cigar smoking man, usually Italian.  Dancer compared Healy’s victory to some of the greatest upsets in sports history, citing Bobby Thompson’s HR in 1951, the Miracle Mets of 1969 and the USA Olympic Hockey team of 1980.  No one could argue with him.  Kevin was gracious in victory and offered regular season champs, Marie’s Traitors, their award – a picture of Healy’s championship team!  Marie appeared to be busting with pride at the ceremony.  CB was given a hardhat with a flashlight in case he and Blanche decide to have another baby during another NYC blackout.  Of course, he can use it for any gynecological work in the meantime.  To conclude the ceremony, a John Sica highlight film was shown to the music of Warren Zevon.  To say it was a four-star effort is an understatement.

            Many great Hawaiian shirts showed up at the party, led by Simon (The First Man), Rocky and Dancer, who revived the Miami Vice look of the 80’s.  If there were awards for shirts, they might look like this:

Stevie – tackiest Grateful Dead tie-dye

John Brennan – best shirt and tie combo (Note: It was the only shirt and tie combo.)

Tommy D. – classiest classic style

Carol and Bob Miele – best duo (And they also take the dancing title from “Fred Astaire Shoes” Flanagan)

            One referee showed up and was seen visiting the unlimited buffet an unlimited number of times.  This man known by a single name will remain anonymous but you might bump into him if you’re out in Long Beach.  One Fash showed up – the good-looking one.  The annual ritual of doing a back flip off the bar stool at the Irish Circle was maintained again by an unnamed contortionist.  TBG showed up after spending several hours at the Knights of Columbus hall wondering where everyone was.  He was very disappointed in the turnout (only himself) until someone told him the party was at the Beach Club.  He scurried over and parked his truck out front so that he could carry his very large MVP trophy home.  There was only one problem, he finished 233rd in the voting.  The “Human Quote Machine” left without a peep!


Queens of the Beach!


            Some players suggested that a 5th division be formed next season.  This group would convene on the boardwalk with coolers and chairs and would never go near the beach.  There would be no need for referees, nets or balls so expenses would be at a minimum.  Careful consideration will be given to this idea.  For actual players, mark your calendars. Practice week is set for 5/26/04 and opening day will be Wednesday 6/2.  (We’ll see the captains in the winter, as we begin planning for next season.  If your e-mail address changes, please let us know.)  Top attendance teams were Fillmore Insurance with 14, Abbracciamento’s with 13 (Who would have guessed that Frank would have outlasted the veterans, Rocky and Joe?) and It’s All Good with 12.  Several other squads just missed the top three spots but had terrific showings.  Everyone was happy that the party was scheduled around the Michelle O’Neill tournament, allowing many folks to play in that charity event last week.  The legendary Gray Beards organization stopped by the Beach Club and was thrilled to have 20 volleyballers sign up for their annual blood drive on Sunday.


A grateful nod must go to all of the sponsors of our 28 teams.  Without their financial support the league might very well not exist.  A special thanks goes out to the sponsors who hosted the Wednesday night parties after the matches:  Kerry Hills, Irish Circle, Connolly’s, Healy’s, Tap & Grill, Pier 92, Rugby Clubhouse, the Beach Club and Jameson’s.  All provided a great atmosphere for players to unwind after a pressure-filled night of beach volleyball.  2003 was a terrific season in spite of inclement weather on what seemed like every Wednesday night.  Special thanks go out to Commissioner Patty Moule and her hard-working committee members, as well as anyone who volunteered for jobs along the way.  Your help, even with the smallest items, was much appreciated.

Commissioner Patty regrets not having prepared a formal speech yet it may have worked to her advantage as many thoughts occurred to her during the party:

“I recall Nancy Gentile asking me if I would be interested in running the league.  This was four years ago at the playoff finals.  Of course I laughed at the idea, yet I was honored that she trusted me to take on such a big responsibility.  Many discussions ensued with my old buddies, Joe, Rocky, John and Steve.  They promised to be part of a committee where everyone has particular jobs to do.  They have kept their promise and have been a great support to me.  One of the best things that Nancy ever did was advise me that Keith “Bugsy” Goldberg might be interested in helping and that he would be a great addition.  I did not know Bugsy at the time and I was wary of working with someone I didn’t know.  My first conversation with him wiped out any worries I may have had.  Bugsy has become a friend and an integral member of the committee as the treasurer – no easy task.

Then along came Denise Brunner, who expressed interest in helping out.  I only knew her as an acquaintance at the time.  She has proven to be a hard worker as our sponsor and party coordinator.  She’s also my “Right Hand Woman” in a male dominated group.  The sexes really do think differently!  She has become a good friend as well.

I have to be honest; sometimes I wonder why I put myself through all of the headaches and aggravation.  What usually gets me through those moments is thinking, “This is a good thing for our community.”  Many nights, as I look out at all of the nets and all of the families enjoying a beautiful night on the beach, I feel good!  Friday night, I saw a happy group of neighbors, including my son’s first baseball coach, Cathy Marquette.  Then I saw my son’s first soccer coach, Ed Watt.  Good people!  Good community!  I think I’ll be back next year.  See you on the beach in the summer of 2004!”

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Final Week

Week Ten

Week Nine

Week Eight

Week Seven

Week Six

Week Five

week four

Week Three

Week Two

week one

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