


Bar Schedule

Playoff Pictures and story


Week One

Week Two

Week Three

Week Four

Week Five

Week Six

Week Seven

Week Eight

Position Week

Week Ten

Rain Out

Queer eye

2001 Season

2002 Season

2003 Season











RBVL Position Week Battles


Intense competition was augmented by another beautiful night at the beach at Riis Park as the RBVL turned into the stretch run with a position night of action, matching up the teams closest to each other in the standings. Very few points decided most of the matches and the division races remain as tight as ever.


            In the Ocean Division, Abbracciamento’s won 3-2 over Coppersmith’s and Marie’s Traitors swept a depleted Healy’s squad. Mohawk Bryan looked impressive but his haircut wasn’t enough to pull out the victories. 

Next week seems to never come for The Bikini Bottom All Stars.   Specifically George Mastorides who promises every week that, “next week I’ll bring the cooler”.  This week he clarified himself, saying that, when Linda sets me I’ll bring the beers.  I guess he will never bring the beers.  Meanwhile the All Stars came back strong against their “family” rivals, beating the younger Sica’s of Kerry Hills Eiele 4-1 after losing two matches to them previously by identical 3-2 scores. Add it up and it comes to 8-7 for the year, all stars.  The elder John Sica blocked the young Kearns into submission. This rivalry is so intense that young Brian Sica was firing jump serves at his dad to take advantage of his limited service return abilities. It should be noted that Jimmy Mack has not missed a night out.  Jimmy also claims to have seen Elvis at the Kerry Hills. He was hovering around the buffet table. (Can you blame him?) P.S. Thank God Jimmy can walk home! 

By the way, once again the Kerry Hills Pub provided a great and plentiful spread. Carmel O’Sullivan & Kathleen Byrnes cooked their hearts out and received the unanimous vote as the “Best Food of the Season!” This is nothing new for these two lovely ladies as they continue a tradition that was started in the very first year of RBVL action. If you ever want to have a party in the backyard picnic area give them a ring and they’ll customize a menu just for your event.  

The Federation lost the first three games due to lack of leadership, as Tom Ford didn’t show.  Perhaps he was taking one of his famous naps.  It wasn’t until Kathy drew a diagram in the sand of what they were supposed to do that they won the last two games.  The team was confused though, as to why she didn’t follow her own plan, until they found out that Mary Ford showed her what to tell the team.  Jameson’s won 3-2 on real good play.


Connolly’s won 4-1 over the Fisheads.  Things were going great until equipment Steve fixed the sagging net. The Fisheads hammered them in the next game. Luckily Connolly’s recovered and won the finale. The rebuilt team has won 4 weeks in a row after a rough start, which included a few forfeits. Steve, Tom, Jenny, Ed, Kristen, Victor and Cheryl have led the charge. Rick and Kenny have been no-shows and haven’t been missed.


Fillmore tightened up the race for first in the Wave Division with a 4-1 beating of the league leader Rugby Clubhouse.


            The Beach House had a great match with the Irish Circling Sharks beating them 3-2 in hard fought close games. If rookie Fran Brennan arrived earlier the house may have done even better. The referee was treated to some free education on beach rules about net etiquette.  Jimmy was flying high for the first three games, but in game four after a sky high jump and crash landing in the sand, he yelled ANKLE!! Ending the play and drawing the response of the Firefighters Sports Emergency response team.  While the crew assessed his injuries he was heard to moan, “Did we get the point?”  The Sharks are still trying to figure out the right combination for a winning team. Noted absences were Louie and Jeanie. Although they were physically present, they were unable to perform due to alleged groin and back injuries. It was said that these injuries occurred last night while engaged in extra-curricular activities. The team was absolutely disgusted that they would engage in such activities during the middle of the season and the playoff crunch. Word of advice: keep it in your pants.


            It’s All Good got back to championship form with a 5-0 whitewash of the second place Mahooshkas. With Coach Bugsy missing, Allison and Brian Bagley gave the weekly pre-game speech with even better results. Mary Beth had 2 great serves but later Miss Congeniality tripped over the lines and fell flat on her face. (Cement Feet?) Alice was a sparkplug in the third game despite an ankle injury. TBG claims he’s getting better with age and he’ll be playing until he’s 92. His teammates groaned after that announcement. Patty says that Seal is the “Gentleman of the Year!”


            Stealth won 4-1 over Kerry Hills with 5 exciting overtime games. Alan can’t come to the games hung over anymore. Is Dicey going to Staten Island this week?  Is Bolger available to take her?  The Beach Club started their playoff push, cruising 4-1 over the Ramblers & Gamblers.


This time last year Commissioner Patty was pregnant and cranky while Kelly Ann from the Sharks was pregnant and dancing on the tables at the Irish Circle, (She went into labor the next day.) Happy first birthdays to both Juliana and Emma! (Their moms are no longer pregnant but they are still dancing on tables with their Corona’s.)


            The Irish Toons crushed the Suns of Beaches 5-0, moving into playoff position.  The teamwork of the Toons, coupled with the devastating serves of TJ Touhey was too much for the Suns to handle.  The ref was so impressed by TJ that she wanted to know which College Volleyball Scholarship he accepted.  The all around teamwork of Robin, Jake, Mary, Jimmy and the rest of the Toons provided the squad with the convincing victory.


            All of the other matches in the Boardwalk Division were split. Pier 92 won 3-2 over the Tap & Grill Cheese Fries, the Beach Orphans took Connolly’s Island 3-2 and One Win moved into sole possession of first place with a 3-2 victory over the second place Odd Couples.


            The season is coming to a close soon so mark your calendars and make your preparations for two big events. The playoffs are scheduled for Saturday 8/9. This is an all-day event played until four champions are crowned. Lunch is served and players should bring their own liquid refreshments. The final event of the year follows with the RBVL Awards Dinner scheduled for Friday 9/12 at the Beach Club. Back by popular demand will be last year’s band, Head Over Heels. Captains should begin to get commitments from their teammates because deposits will soon need to be collected. More details will follow next week.